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JKLand Global News

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January 08, 2004

Good evening JKLand and welcome to another edition of the JKLand Global News...I'm Fanny Disturberhyt...

One word comes to mind as I enter the site that once I can think of a lot of words and I promise you that none of them are pleasant...

Not only has the number of fans logging on every day dropped significantly, the message board itself moves at the pace of a turtle with a hangover...I have it on good authority that this has been deliberate action to attempt to weed out the bad apples from teh rest of the bunch. The result? The bad apples have left--yes Jordan Knight--your plan was a success and once again we confirm that you are in fact a flaming retard. The so called "bad apples" have formed an alliance--formerly known as "The Implifiers", this new group is more fierc and unified than ever before...they have a new name that remains unknown to this reporter. OK--so that's a lie...I know their name but out of complete repect for my new friends I have sworn an oath of secrecy...perhaps they will make me an honorary member some day...I can only hope...

And continuing with the traditional downfalls of, they have now come up with the idea to sell Jordan Knight merchandise. The most popular line of merchandise has been the JK C-Thong...unsuspecting buyers have been buying the thongs by the dozens--each one costing no less than a Jordan Knight coaster--I mean CD single...families of fans have been going hungry due to this new fetish that fans have been coerced into adapting...

We now take you live to the headquarters where our roving correspondent Frank A. P. Rick has been investigating a possible security breach within the confines of Jordan Knights crusty thong...

Good evening Mr. p...Rick.

Fuck me! Fanny! How are you?

I'm great...and how are you Frank besides frank?

Laughing my fucking ass off at these stupid mother.......

We seem to be having some technical problems...perhaps we'll speak to the prick, I mean Frank a little later on...or maybe we'll get lucky and he'll get killed by a pack of wild stans...

In other news tonight...oh no I'm sorry that's all we have time for...

See you all next time on the JKLand Global News...I'm Fanny Disturbershyt...


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